We are hiring! Postdoc position to work on P4 project in collaboration with Ericsson
We have one postdoc position to work on the Abstract Data Plane Compiler project funded by Ericsson. The
We have one postdoc position to work on the Abstract Data Plane Compiler project funded by Ericsson. The
Congratulations to now Dr. Raphael Vicente Rosa for his recent PhD defense on 20-Dec 2018!
On December 18th, Juan and Fabricio successfully defended their MSc theses. Congratulations! Their work, in
IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) is one of the biggest annual conferences of the IEEE
The ITU-T has recently started a Focus Group on Network 2030 and during the first week
Multi-architecture Compiler System for Abstract Data plane (MACSAD) project has already resulted in a Poster &
The ACM SIGCOMM 2018 is one of the biggest annual conferences of the ACM Special Interest
The Workshop in computer and communication systems performance (WPerformance) is a workshop to discuss ideas about methods,
After two successful meetings in Europe (Barcelona, Nov 2017 and Thessaloniki, Greece, April 2018), the
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) represents an international community of people interested in defining