IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) is one of the biggest annual conferences of the IEEE Communications Society in communication technologies, areas such as Big Data, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Multimedia Applications and etc. This international venue includes technical papers, tutorials, workshops, industry sessions, and keynotes. The GLOBECOM 2018 was held in Abu Dhabi, capital of the United Arab Emirate (UAE) on December 9-13, 2018.
In this venue, the accepted paper from INTRIG research, which was also done in collaboration with Samsung Research group, was well received by fellow researchers. Samira Afzal presented the paper “A novel scheduling strategy for MMT-based multipath video streaming” [video].
In this work, the MPEG Media Transport (MMT) protocol was adopted to propose an improvement for mobile multipath video streaming solutions. MMT is an application layer protocol with inherent hybrid media delivery properties. A a novel path-and-content-aware scheduling strategy was proposed for MMT by means of full cooperation between network metrics and video content features. This strategy provides better models to adaptively cope with unstable communication channel conditions and to improve the final user quality of experience (QoE).