Principal Investigators

Prof. Dr. Christian Esteve Rothenberg 

Address :: Av. Albert Einstein – 400, Cidade Universitária Zeferino Vaz
CEP: 13083-852, Campinas, SP, Brazil.  | Room :: 306-A | Google Map | Directions |

Email :: | Tlf :: +55 (19) 3521 3778

Short Bio

Since August 2013, Christian Esteve Rothenberg is Assistant Professor at University of Campinas (UNICAMP), where he received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2010. Christian is the Lead Investigator of the INTRIG (Information & Networking Technologies Research & Innovation Group)

From 2010 to 2013, he worked as Senior Research Scientist in the areas of IP systems and networking at CPqD R&D Center in Telecommunications, Campinas, Brazil. During his PhD, he worked on probabilistic data structures applied to packet forwarding in content-centric networks, was a visiting researcher (2008) at Ericsson Research Nomadic Lab, Jorvas, Finland, and contributed to the EU FP7 Publish/Subscribe Internet Routing Paradigm (PSIRP) project. He holds the Telecommunication Engineering degree from the Technical University of Madrid (ETSIT/UPM), Spain, and the M.Sc. (Dipl. Ing.) degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from the Darmstadt University of Technology (TUD), Germany, 2006. During his master thesis at Deutsche Telekom he worked on IMS-based fixed-mobile convergence and mobility management and was engaged in R&D activities on converged access networks (ScaleNet) and self-optimizing radio access networks.

His research activities span all layers of distributed systems and network architectures and are often carried in collaboration with academia and industry (e.g., Ericsson, Samsung, CPQD, Padtec, RNP) around the world, leading to multiple open source networking projects (e.g., RouteFlow, libfluid, ofsoftswitch13, Mininet-WiFi) in the areas of SDN and NFV among other scientific results.

He was an Open Networking Foundation (ONF) Research Associate (2013-2017), co-chair of the IEEE SDN Outreach Committee initiative (2016-2017), and the Brazilian coordinator of the EU-Brazil H2020 NECOS (Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing) project (2017-2020). Currently, he is a member of the CPQD Innovation Committee (2017-2022), ACM SIGCOMM Information Services Director (since Sep/2021), Outreach Coordinator of FEEC/UNICAMP (2019-2023), and member of the IEEE NetSoft Steering Committee (2022-2025).

Christian contributed to five international patents and over 200 scientific publications, including scientific journals and top-tier networking conferences such as SIGCOMM and INFOCOM, altogether featuring 9000+ citations.

View Christian Esteve Rothenberg's profile on LinkedIn Follow Christian Esteve Rothenberg on Twitter   Github profile chesteve rothenberg  Curriculo lattes Christian Esteve Rothenberg Grupo de Pesquisa CNPq lattes - Arquitetura de Sistemas e Comunicacoes de Dados 


google scholar citations christian rothenberg 9000+ [h-index : 31, i10-index: 31] (Dec. 2021) 

Complete List of Publications per Year / Type

Professional Activities

– Oferta de temas de TFC (Trabalho de Fim de Curso) e IC (Iniciação Científica)

Graduates courses:
  • IA376/C :: Tópicos em Engenharia de Computação VII. Advanced Topics in Networking: Laboratório de Redes Softwarizadas / Network Softwarization Lab. [1S/2017] [1S/2018] [1S/2019] [1S/2020] [1S/2021] [1S/2022]
  • IA369/P :: Tópicos em Engenharia de Computação VI. Advanced Topics in Networking: Network Functions Virtualization and Software Defined Networking [1S/2015], [1S/2016]
  • IA368/T :: Tópicos em Engenharia de Computação V. Tema: Redes na Era de Cloud Computing e Software Defined Networking.  [2S/2013][1S/2014]
Undergrad courses:
  • EA 074 :: Introdução as Redes de Computadores [1S/2017] [1S/2018] [1S/2019[1S/2020] [1S/2021] [1S/2022]
  • EA 075 :: Introdução ao Projeto de Sistemas Embarcados [1S/2016]
  • EA 869 :: Introdução a Sistemas de Computação Digital [1S/2014]
  • EA 879 :: Introdução a Software Básico [2S/2013]  [2S/2015]
  • EA 976 :: Engenharia de Software [2S/2014] [2S/2018]
  • EA 080 :: Laboratório de Redes de Computadores [2S/2017] [2S/2019] [2S/2020] [2S/2021]
  • EA 872 :: Laboratório de Programação de Software Básico [2S/2016]
  • EA 975 :: Laboratório de Engenharia de Software [1S/2015]
Extension (seasonal / available on demand):