Congratulations to now Dr. Raphael Vicente Rosa for his recent PhD defense on 20-Dec 2018!
- Raphael Vicente Rosa, PhD,.”End-to-End Network Slices: From the Disaggregation of Metrics to Transparent Fine-Grained SLAs“. Dec, 2018. Advisor: Christian Esteve Rothenberg. [PDF] [Talk]
Note that the title of the thesis is provisional and may change in the final version of the text under review to include the thesis committee suggestions. In the meanwhile, you can see the slides of the defense, which contain all contributions from Dr. Rosa!
Thesis Committee (From left to right): Prof. Cesar Marcondes (ITA), Prof. Marco Aurélio Amaral Henriques (FEEC/UNICAMP), Prof. Christian Rothenberg (FEEC/UNICAMP), Dr. Raphael Rosa, Prof. Edmundo Madeira (IC/UNICAMP), Prof. Rafael Pasquini (UFU)