Congratulations to the new 2 MSc graduates: Juan and Fabricio

On December 18th, Juan and Fabricio successfully defended their MSc theses. Congratulations!

Their work, in scope of our work on MACSAD, is a result of the Abstract Data Plane Compiler project funded by Ericsson.

While the final versions of the theses are being reviewed, you can find below the slides of the presentations and pictures after the defense.

– Juan Sebastian Mejia Vallejo, MSc., “Design, Implementation and Evaluation of a Broadband Network Gateway using a Programmable Packet Processor”. Dec, 2018. Advisor: Christian Esteve Rothenberg. [PDF] [Talk]

– Fabricio Eduardo Rodríguez Cesén, MSc., “Design, Implementation and Evaluation of IPv4/IPv6 Longest Prefix Match support in Multi-Architecture Programmable Dataplanes”. Dec, 2018. Advisor: Christian Esteve Rothenberg. [PDF] [Talk]

Thesis Committee (from left to right): Prof. Fabio Verdi (UFSCAR), MSc. Fabricio Rodriguez, Prof. Christian Rothenberg (FEEC/UNICAMP), Prof. Marco Aurélio Amaral Henriques (FEEC/UNICAMP)

Thesis Committee (from left to right): Prof. Fabio Verdi (UFSCAR), Prof. Christian Rothenberg (FEEC/UNICAMP), MSc. Juan Mejia, Prof. Leonardo Mendes (FEEC/UNICAMP)

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