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Talks & Tutorials
Fluid Network Planes: An Overview of Ongoing Network Softwarization Refactoring Trends . TU Darmstadt SFB MAKI Distinguished Lecture Series , August 2020.
Network Slicing is multifaceted but does its approach and understanding need to be fragmented? . Panel moderator at IEEE NetSoft’20 S4SI workshop , 2020.
Fluid Network Planes – An overview of Network Refactoring and Offloading Trends. Keynote at IEEE NetSoft’19 , Paris, 2019.
Deep Slicing and Loops in a Loop: Multi-Tenancy and Smart Closed-Loop Control Gone Wild . Presentation at First ITU Workshop on Network 2030 , New York, United States, 2 October 2018.
Multi-Domain Slice Provision and Federation in MEC and Telco Cloud environments , at Cloudscape Brazil , CSBC18, Jul 2018.
Multi-Domain Orchestration . WRNP18 during SBRC in Campos de Jordão, May 2018
Softwarized dataplanes and the P3 trade-offs: Programmability, Performance, Portability. Keynote at IEEE 18th International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR) , Campinas, Brazil, Jun. 2017.
On the role of Open Source in the Network Softwarization trend . In Palestra da Série de Seminários do IC/Unicamp , Nov 18, 2016
Towards a comprehensive, sustainable wiki catalogue of testbeds and open source toolkits . In EIT Digital-IEEE Federated 5G/SDN/NFV/MEC* Testbed Workshop – Second Edition . [Agenda ] Nov. 2016.
SDN/NFV: Software Defined Networking & Network Function Virtualization . [.ppt ] In ACM SIGCOMM 2016 Topic Preview Session , Florianopolis, Brazil, Aug. 2016.
Cloud Strategy Perspectives @ University of Campinas , Brazil. Santander-Brown Cybersecurity Roundtable, Brown University, Providence, US, Nov. 2015.
Abstract Topology and Cost Maps for Software-Defined Inter-Domain Circuits , Malathi Veeraraghavan (UVA) and Christian Esteve Rothenberg (UNICAMP). In SwitchOn Sao Paulo Workshop , Oct. 2015.
Towards an Emulator for Software Defined Wireless Networks . In SwitchOn Sao Paulo Workshop , Oct. 2015.
Ongoing research activities towards a knowledge plane for SDN and potential US-Brazil collaborations . Jan. 2015.
Docker: Introdução e experiências iniciais com uma tecnologia de virtualização leve e ágil . Café Cinfotec , Unicamp, Dez. 2014.
Redes controladas / dominadas por software (SDN/NFV and Software-Defined Storage) . In Fóruns Permanentes , Unicamp, Oct 2014.
SDN: Different evolving models and future of the OpenFlow protocol (SDN: situação do mercado e próximos movimentos) . In ANSP RSA6 , Sao Paulo, Aug 2014.
SDN: Promise ou Reality? SDN – Promessa ou Realidade? . In Painel de discussões do SBRC 2014, Florianópolis, May 2014. [Video: 119 min ]
Nuvem Acadêmica : Mesa redonda no Encontro sobre Nuvem Computacional em Ambiente Universitário . Apr 2014. [Video ]
On the role of open source in future networking technologies and research . COPELABS BRAINstorming (C-BRAIN #50 ), March 2014.
On SDN Research Topics . In Workshop on High Performance Network Infrastructure for Future Internet . CPqD, Campinas, Brazil, Feb 2014.
SDN/OpenFlow: Visão do CPqD . (w/ Marcos Salvador) In Workshop Datacom de SDN/OpenFlow Curitiba, PR, 21-22 de Agosto de 2013
Software Defined IP Routing . In S-BRAIN Meeting #44 . SITILabs, Universidade Lusófona. June, 2013.
Por uma Nova Disciplina de Redes . In Grandes Desafios de Pesquisa em Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos , Brasilia, Brazil, May 2013. [Text]
A Tale on Software Defined Networking . (keynote) In III WPEIF, SBRC’2013, Brasilia, Brazil, May 2013.
Building a hierarchical, multi-controller SDN layer to deliver IP routing on OpenFlow 1.x networks with Ryu . In Open Networking Summit (ONS) Ryu Developer Track, Santa Clara, USA, Apr, 2013. [Video ]
Novas arquiteturas de redes: Um futuro definido por software . Seminários de Pesquisa, Disciplina de pos-graduação na Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), Sao Paulo, Março 2013.
RouteFlow: Explorando Soluções de Roteamento IP em Redes OpenFlow . In Grupo de Trabalho de Engenharia e Operação de Redes (GTER) #34, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, Dec, 2012. [Video ]
When SDN meets legacy IP control planes . In Dagstuhl Seminar on Software Defined Networking , Wadern, Germany, Set., 2012.
Software-Defined Networking: Experiências e Oportunidades de P&D . In Workshop Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa (WRNP) , Ouro Preto, Brazil, Apr., 2012. [VIDEO]
IP Transport, Routing and Control in the Software Defined Networking era . In International Workshop: New Routing and Control Paradigms for Future Networks. Campinas, SP, Brazil. Dec., 2011.
Compact forwarding in content-oriented networks . In Dagstuhl Seminar on Information-Centric Networking , Wadern, Germany, Dec., 2010. [Talk] [Abstract]
Research infrastructures for a Cloud-driven future Internet . In SBRC WPEIF, Gramado, Brazil, May 2010. [Talk] [Abstract]
Novas arquiteturas para a Internet do Futuro & Efforts towards the Future Internet . XXVII Simposio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações (SBRT09 ), Oct. 2009, Blumenau / SC, Brazil.
Trends and impacts of new generation data center networking . First CPqD International Workshop on New Architectures for the Future Internet , Sept. 2009, Campinas, Brazil.
Information-oriented Internetworking – Towards a data-centric forwarding plane . Topics in Next Generation Internet Architectures, FEEC Unicamp, July 2009.
Information-oriented Internetworking – Visions and efforts towards the next wave of networking , Workshop Futuro do Internet , CPqD, April 2009, Campinas, Brazil.
Towards content-centric Internetworking , FEEC Unicamp, May 2008.
Uma Nova Revolução em Redes: Programação do Plano de Dados com P4 . Daniel Lazkani Feferman (UNICAMP), Juan Sebastian Mejia (UNICAMP), Nathan Franklin Saraiva de Sousa (UNICAMP), and Christian Esteve Rothenberg (UNICAMP). In Escola Regional de Informátiva do Piauí (ERIPI 2018), Teresina, Brazil, Ago., 2018. [Slides ]
End-to-End Programmability and Orchestration in 5G Networks . Ahmad Rostami (Ericsson Research), Katia Obraczka (UCSC), and Christian Esteve Rothenberg (UNICAMP). In 3rd IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft 2017), Bologna, Italy, Jul., 2017
Software-Defined Wireless Networking (SDWN): From Theory to Practice with Mininet-WiFi . In International Summer School on Latency Control for Internet of Services , Karlstad, Sweden, June 2017. [Intro-SDWN ] [Intro-Tutorial ] [Tutorial-Activities ]
SDN, NFV and Their Role in 5G. [Part 1 ] [Part 2 ]. Ahmad Rostami (Ericsson Research), Katia Obraczka (UCSC), and Christian Esteve Rothenberg (UNICAMP). In ACM SIGCOMM Tutorials , Florianopolis, Brazil, Aug. 2016.
Network Function Virtualization: Perspectives, Reality and Challenges . Cesar Marcondes (UFSCar) and Christian Rothenberg (Unicamp). In 14th IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM 2015 Tutorials ), Ottawa, Canada, May. 2015. [Annotated Slides ] [2-page handout ]
Short course on NFV. Network Function Virtualization: Perspectivas, Realidades e Desafios. In Minicurso SBRC 2014, Florianópolis, May 2014.
New Networking Paradigms: Future Internet Research (Part I) and Software-Defined Networking (Part II) . In Summer School for Master and PhD Students on Modeling and Analysis of Novel Mechanisms in Future Internet Applications , Würzburg, Germany, Apr., 2012. [Part I: Future Internet Architectures] [Part II: SDN/OpenFlow]
RouteFlow: Virtualized IP routing services in OpenFlow networks . In EU FP7 OFELIA/CHANGE Summer School , Berlin, Germany, Nov., 2011.
Short course on Future Internet: New Network Architectures and Technologies. Part I (Tania) . Part II (Christian) . Part III (Alberti) . In IWT – International Workshop on Telecommunications , Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May, 2011.