After two successful meetings in Europe (Barcelona, Nov 2017 and Thessaloniki, Greece, April 2018), the 3rd face-to-face meeting of the EU-Brazil collaborative research project NECOS (Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing) took place in Natal, Brazil, at Praiamar Hotel & Convention, from 25th to 27th July 2018. Representatives from all 11 partners were present during the meeting where ongoing organizational and technical aspects of the project were discussed and project decisions were taken. Prof. Christian Rothenberg and Dr. David Moura (on a remote basis) were the INTRIG representatives.
It held a widespread set of themes, ranging from system requirements to platform deployment, encompassing aspects like system and platform design, API and service provisioning, and intelligent management & orchestration.
At the end, there was a pleasant social event, in which the participants could enjoy the authentic potiguar cuisine.