The Workshop in computer and communication systems performance (WPerformance) is a workshop to discuss ideas about methods, models, techniques, and tools for evaluating the performance of computational and communication systems.
The 17th edition of WPerformance was held with the 38th Brazilian Computer Science Society Conference (CSBC) in Natal-RN. In this edition, two papers from INTRIG research group were accepted for the workshop.
- Juan Sebastian Mejia presented the paper “Network address Translation using a Programmable Packet Processor”, which evaluates the performance results of the Network Address Translation (NAT) implementation using P4 language with MACSAD compiler.
- Fabricio Rodriguez presented the paper “Design Implementation and evaluation IPv4/IPv6 Longest Prefix Match support in P4 dataplanes“, which presents and evaluates the IPv4/IPv6 Longest Prefix Match (LPM) support in MACSAD. Developing a new OpenDataPlane (ODP) Helper library implementing the IPv6 lookup mechanism based on the current IPv4 solution and evaluating its performance and scalability for diverse workloads and target platform configurations.