Fabricio E Rodriguez CesenPhD. Studentfrodri [at] dca.fee.unicamp.br |
Short Bio
Fabricio E Rodriguez Cesen is a Ph.D. student at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, and a Researcher of Information & Networking Technologies Research & Innovation Group (INTRIG).
He holds the Networks and Data Communication Electronic Engineering degree from the Army University – ESPE of Ecuador, and the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering in the area of Computer Engineering from the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, 2018. During his master thesis at UNICAMP, he worked on the Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of IPv4/IPv6 Longest Prefix Match support in Multi-Architecture Programmable Dataplanes.
He collaborated with Ericsson and RNP on different projects and is INTRIG’s network administrator.
Research Interests
- Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)
- P4 language
- Forwarding models
- Performance evaluation
- 5G Networks
- In-Network Applications
Honors & Awards
- Nov 2023 – IEEE NFV-SDN Travel Grants, sponsored by IEEE.
- May 2023 – Brazilian SBRC Best Demo award.
- Aug 2022 – SIGCOMM 2022 Student Research Competition (SRC), Graduate Silver Medal Award.
- Aug 2022 – SIGCOMM 2022 Travel Grant, sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM.
- May 2022 – P4 Workshop Most Novel Application in a Networking Use Case Award, sponsored by ONF.
- May 2021 – P4 Workshop Most Novel Non-Networking Use Of P4 Award, sponsored by ONF.
- Jun 2020 – IEEE NetSoft 2020 Travel Grants, sponsored by IEEE NetSoft.
- Dec 2019 – ACM CoNEXT 2019 Travel Grants, sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM.
- Apr 2019 – ONS NA 2019, Linux Foundation Travel Fund, sponsored by The Linux Foundation.
- Aug 2018 – SIGCOMM 2018 Travel Grant, sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM.
- Aug 2018 – SIGCOMM 2018 SRC Grant, sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM.
- SMART NEtworks and ServiceS for 2030 (SMARTNESS) (2023–Present). INTRIG at UNICAMP, Funded by Ericsson
- OpenRAN@Brasil Phase 1 (2023–Present). INTRIG at UNICAMP, Funded by National Education and Research Network (RNP)
- P7 (P4 Programmable Patch Panel): an instant 100G emulated network testbed in a pizza box (2021–2022). INTRIG at UNICAMP, Funded by National Education and Research Network (RNP)
- In-network Edge Control Applications using Programmable Switches (INCAPS) (2019–2023). INTRIG at UNICAMP, Funded by Ericsson
- Abstract Data Plane Compiler (ADPC) (2016–2019). INTRIG at UNICAMP, Funded by Ericsson
- OnStar Brazil and Chevystar Latin America (2014–2016). General Motors Brazil and Ituran RoadTrack Brazil
- PIPO-TG:: Parameterizable High-Performance Traffic Generation
- P7:: P4 Programmable Patch Panel (P7): An Instant 100G Emulated Network on Your Tofino-based Pizza Box (2022)
- Diffie-Hellman AES P4 :: P4 implementation towards Diffie-Hellman key exchange with AES encryption (2021)
- Mininet Wifi + UAV :: Integration of Mininet-Wifi with CoppeliaSim (2021)
- P4+Robot control :: In-network Low Latency Robot Arm Kinematics Control using P4 (2019)
- BB-Gen :: Packet crafter tool (2018)
- MACSAD :: Multi-architecture Compiler System for Abstract Data plane (2018)
- Towards Time-Sensitive Networking Traffic Generation with PIPO-TG. F. G. Costa, F. Vogt, F. Rodriguez, M. C. Luizelli, and C. E. Rothenberg. In Salão de Ferramentas, 42th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC 2024), May 2013.
- Towards multiple pipelines network emulation with P7. F. Rodriguez, Francisco Germano Vogt, Ariel Góes De Castro, C. Rothenberg. In IEEE 9th international conference on network softwarization (netsoft) (netsoft 2023), June 2023.
- Network Emulation with P7: A P4 Programmable Patch Panel on Tofino-based Hardware. F. Rodriguez, Francisco Germano Vogt, Ariel Góes De Castro, Marcos Felipe Schwarz, C. Rothenberg. In Salão de Ferramentas, 41st Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC 2023), May 2023. (Best Demo Award)
- Towards an In-network UAV Centralized Collision Avoidance Algorithm in Programmable Data Planes. F. Rodriguez, G. Szabó, C. Rothenberg, G. Pongracz. In GLOBECOM 2022, Dec 2022. [PTT] [Video]
- In-band Inter Packet Gap Telemetry (IPGNET): Unlocking novel network monitoring methods. Francisco Germano Vogt, F. Rodriguez, C. Rothenberg, G. Pongracz. In GLOBECOM 2022, Dec 2022. [PTT] [Video]
- P4 Programmable Patch Panel (P7): An Instant 100G Emulated Network on Your Tofino-based Pizza Box. F. Rodriguez, Francisco Germano Vogt, Ariel Góes De Castro, Marcos Felipe Schwarz, C. Rothenberg. In SIGCOMM 22, Aug 2022. [PDF] [PTT] [Video] (SRC’22 Graduate Silver Medal Award)
- P7 (P4 Programmable Patch Panel): An Instant 100g Emulated Network Testbed In A Pizza Box. F. Rodriguez, Marcos Felipe Schwarz, C. Rothenberg. In 2022 P4 Workshop, May 2022. [PDF] [PTT] [Video] (Most Novel Application in a Networking Use Case Award)
- Quadcopter Implementation of an In-Network Centralized Collision Avoidance Algorithm in Programmable Data Planes. F. Rodriguez, G. Szabó, C. Rothenberg, G. Pongracz. In 2021 P4 Workshop, May 2021. [PDF] [PTT] [Video] (Most Novel Non-Networking Use Of P4 Award)
- BB-Gen: A Packet Crafter for P4 Target Evaluation. F. Rodriguez, P. G. Patra, L. Csikor, C. Rothenberg, P. Vörös, S. Laki, and G. Pongrácz. In Acm sigcomm’18 demo and poster session, August 2018. [PDF] [Github]
- BB-Gen: A Packet Crafter for Performance Evaluation of P4 Data Planes. Fabricio Rodriguez Cesen, Pattam Gyanesh Kumar Patra, Christian Esteve Rothenberg, Gergely Pongracz. In 5th P4 Workshop, June 2018. [PDF] [PPT] [Poster] [Github]
- MACSAD: An Exemplar Realization of Multi-Architecture P4 Pipelines. P. G. Patra, F. Rodriguez, J. Mejia, D. Feferman, C. Rothenberg and G. Pongrácz. In 5th P4 Workshop, June 2018. [PDF] [PPT] [Poster] [Github]
- BB-Gen: A Packet Crafter for Data Plane Evaluation. Fabricio Rodriguez Cesen, Pattam Gyanesh Kumar Patra, Christian Esteve Rothenberg. In Salão de Ferramentas, 36th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems (SBRC 2018), May 2018. [PDF] [PPT] [Video] [Github]
- D. B. Lima, F. Vogt, A. Teixeira, F. R. E. Cesen, and C. E. Rothenberg, “RESISTING: A New Fast-Reroute Mechanism with Packet Distribution on P4-Programmable Switches),” in 2024 IEEE Conference on Networt Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (IEEE NFV-SDN 2024, 2024.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{daniel24, author={Daniel B. Lima and Francisco Vogt and Alan Teixeira and Fabrico E. Rodriguez Cesen and Christian Esteve Rothenberg}, booktitle={{2024 IEEE Conference on Networt Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (IEEE NFV-SDN 2024}}, title={{RESISTING: A New Fast-Reroute Mechanism with Packet Distribution on P4-Programmable Switches)}}, year={2024}, month={11}, volume={}, number={}, pages={}, doi={}}
- F. G. Vogt, F. Rodriguez, F. G. Costa, M. C. Luielli, C. E. Rotenberg, G. Patra, and G. Pongracz, “Demo: p4 replay (p4r): reproducing packet traces and stateful connections at line-rate on your p4-capable hardware,” in Proceedings of the acm sigcomm 2024 conference: posters and demos, New York, NY, USA, 2024, p. 122–124.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{p4r24, author = {Vogt, Francisco Germano and Rodriguez, Fabricio and Costa, Filipo Gabert and Luielli, Marcelo Caggiani and Rotenberg, Christian Esteve and Patra, Gyanesh and Pongracz, Gergely}, title = {DEMO: P4 Replay (P4R): Reproducing Packet Traces and Stateful Connections at Line-Rate on Your P4-capable Hardware}, year = {2024}, isbn = {9798400707179}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3672202.3673743}, doi = {10.1145/3672202.3673743}, abstract = {Network testers are essential for assessing network performance. They are used to generate and capture test packets to evaluate the network's correctness and efficiency. However, evolving demands, such as generating realistic, high-performance workloads, pose challenges for existing solutions. In this demonstration, we present P4 replay (P4R), a network tester based on a programmable switch ASIC capable of reproducing real packet traces and establishing high-performance stateful TCP connections. P4R can test external clients and servers with high throughput and accuracy as well as self-testing P4 applications running in parallel on the same device.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2024 Conference: Posters and Demos}, pages = {122–124}, numpages = {3}, keywords = {P4, SDN, network testing, traffic generation}, location = {Sydney, NSW, Australia}, series = {ACM SIGCOMM Posters and Demos '24} }
- F. G. Costa, F. Vogt, F. Rodriguez, A. G. de Castro, M. C. Luizelli, and C. E. Rothenberg, “PIPO-TG: Parameterizable High-Performance Traffic Generation,” in 2024 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2024), 2024.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{castropipo, author={Filipo Gabert Costa and Francisco Vogt and Rodriguez, Fabricio and Ariel Góes de Castro and Marcelo Caggiani Luizelli and Christian Esteve Rothenberg}, booktitle={{2024 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS 2024)}}, title={{PIPO-TG: Parameterizable High-Performance Traffic Generation}}, year={2024}, month={5}, volume={}, number={}, pages={}, doi={}}
- F. G. Costa, F. Vogt, F. Rodriguez, M. C. Luizelli, and C. E. Rothenberg, “Towards Time-Sensitive Networking Traffic Generation with PIPO-TG,” in SBRC 2024 – Salão de Ferramentas, 2024.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{castropipo_sbrc, author={Filipo Gabert Costa and Francisco Vogt and Rodriguez, Fabricio and Marcelo Caggiani Luizelli and Christian Esteve Rothenberg}, booktitle={{SBRC 2024 - Salão de Ferramentas}}, title={{Towards Time-Sensitive Networking Traffic Generation with PIPO-TG}}, year={2024}, month={5}, volume={}, number={}, pages={}, doi={}}
- F. Rodriguez and C. Rothenberg, “Offloading robotic and UAV applications to the network using programmable data planes,” in 2023 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN): Doctoral Symposium (NFV-SDN’23 Doctoral Symposium), Dresden, Germany, 2023, p. 5.98.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{fabricionfv23, AUTHOR="Rodriguez, Fabricio and C. Rothenberg", TITLE="Offloading Robotic and {UAV} applications to the network using programmable data planes", BOOKTITLE={{2023 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN): Doctoral Symposium (NFV-SDN'23 Doctoral Symposium)}}, ADDRESS="Dresden, Germany", PAGES="5.98", DAYS=6, MONTH=nov, YEAR=2023, KEYWORDS="P4; In-Network; Robot Control; Hardware-based Emulation", ABSTRACT="Next-generation 5G networks are rapidly expanding to support the growing demand for efficient connectivity in Internet of Things (IoT) and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) applications across various sectors (e.g., agriculture, automotive, healthcare, smart cities, and manufacturing). Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) promises to transform manufacturing through Digital Twins while Industry 4.0 advances digitalization with Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), machine learning, big data, and cloud computing. Hence, achieving Ultra-low latency (ULL) is crucial for applications like robotic control. Although 5G powered by Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) have improved the network capacity and reduced the ULL constraints, challenges persist due to wireless signal unpredictability. To address these issues, this research proposes leveraging in-network applications to the network edge to implement ULL solutions for industrial and Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) applications. Furthermore, we propose a hardware-based environment to validate data plane applications' performance, feasibility, effectiveness, and impact." }
- F. G. Vogt, F. Rodriguez, A. G. de Castro, M. C. Luizelli, C. E. Rothenberg, and G. Pongrácz, “QoEyes: Towards Virtual Reality Streaming QoE Estimation Entirely in the Data Plane,” in 9th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization, 2023.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{qoeyes23, title={{QoEyes: Towards Virtual Reality Streaming QoE Estimation Entirely in the Data Plane}}, author={Vogt, Francisco Germano and Rodriguez, Fabricio and de Castro, Ariel Goes and Luizelli, Marcelo Caggiani and Rothenberg, Christian Esteve and Pongrácz, Gergely}, booktitle={{9th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization}}, year={2023}, month={june} }
- F. G. Vogt, F. Rodriguez, A. G. de Castro, M. C. Luizelli, C. E. Rothenberg, and G. Pongrácz, “Demo of QoEyes: towards virtual reality streaming QoE estimation entirely in the data plane,” in 2023 ieee 9th international conference on network softwarization (netsoft) (netsoft 2023), Madrid, Spain, 2023, p. 3.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{demoqoeyes23, author={Vogt, Francisco Germano and Rodriguez, Fabricio and de Castro, Ariel Goes and Luizelli, Marcelo Caggiani and Rothenberg, Christian Esteve and Pongrácz, Gergely}, TITLE="Demo of {QoEyes:} Towards Virtual Reality Streaming {QoE} Estimation Entirely in the Data Plane", BOOKTITLE="2023 IEEE 9th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft) (NetSoft 2023)", ADDRESS="Madrid, Spain", PAGES=3, DAYS=18, MONTH=jun, YEAR=2023, KEYWORDS="QoE; VR; 360-degree video; video streaming; P4", }
- F. Rodriguez, F. G. Vogt, A. G. Castro, and C. Rothenberg, “Towards multiple pipelines network emulation with P7″ booktitle=”2023 ieee 9th international conference on network softwarization (netsoft) (netsoft 2023),” , Madrid, Spain, 2023, p. 3.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{p7netsoft23, author = {Rodriguez, Fabricio and F. G. Vogt and A. G. Castro and C. Rothenberg}, TITLE="Towards Multiple Pipelines Network Emulation with {P7}" BOOKTITLE="2023 IEEE 9th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft) (NetSoft 2023)", ADDRESS="Madrid, Spain", PAGES=3, DAYS=18, MONTH=jun, YEAR=2023, KEYWORDS="Network simulations; P4; Programmable Data Plane; Multiple Pipelines", }
- F. R. Cesen, F. G. Vogt, A. G. De Castro, M. S. Schwarz, and C. E. Rothenberg, “Network Emulation with P7: A P4 Programmable Patch Panel on Tofino-based Hardware,” in 41st Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos – Salão de Ferramentas, 2023.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{p7sbrc23, title={{Network Emulation with P7: A P4 Programmable Patch Panel on Tofino-based Hardware}}, author={Cesen, Fabricio Rodriguez and Vogt, Francisco Germano and De Castro, Ariel Goés and Schwarz, Marcos Schwarz and Rothenberg, Christian Esteve}, booktitle={{41st Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos - Salão de Ferramentas}}, year={2023}, month={may} }
- F. Pasandideh, F. R. Cesen, P. Henrique Morgan Pereira, C. Esteve Rothenberg, and E. Pignaton de Freitas, “An improved particle swarm optimization algorithm for uav base station placement,” Wireless personal communications, 2023.
[Bibtex]@article{uavplacement, title = {An Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for UAV Base Station Placement}, journal = {Wireless Personal Communications}, year = {2023}, issn = {1572-834X}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-023-10334-2}, url = {https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11277-023-10334-2}, author = {Pasandideh, Faezeh and Cesen, Fabricio Rodriguez and Henrique Morgan Pereira, Pedro and Esteve Rothenberg, Christian and Pignaton de Freitas, Edison}, keywords = {Drone base station, Particle swarm optimization, K-means algorithm, Deployment problem, Non-linear optimization}, abstract = {In cellular networks, a set of Base Stations (BSs) might be out of service and failed in the aftermath of natural disasters. One of the promising solutions to fix this situation is to send low altitude drones equipped with a small cellular BS (DBSs) to the target locations. This can provide cellular networks with vital communication links and make available temporary coverage for the users in unexpected circumstances. However, finding the minimum number of DBSs and their optimal locations are highly challenging issues. In this paper, a Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming formulation is provided, in which the DBSs’ location and the proper number of DBSs are jointly determined. An improved PSO-based algorithm is proposed to jointly optimize DBSs’ locations and find the minimum number of DBSs. As in the original PSO algorithm, the particles are randomly distributed in the initialization phase and a K-means-based clustering method is employed to generate the positions of the first-generation particles (DBSs). In addition, a custom communication protocol is presented for data exchange between the users’ equipment (UE) and the network controller. The proposed approach is evaluated through four simulation experiments implemented using Mininet-Wifi integrated with CopelliaSim. The acquired results show that the proposed solution based on the integration of PSO and K-means algorithms provides a low packet loss and latency. Moreover, it indicates that most of the users in the considered scenarios are covered by the DBSs.} }
- F. Rodriguez, G. Szabó, C. Esteve Rothenberg, and G. Pongrácz, “Towards an in-network uav centralized collision avoidance algorithm in programmable data planes,” in Globecom 2022 – 2022 ieee global communications conference: demos (gc 2022 industry demos), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{, AUTHOR={Rodriguez, Fabricio and G{\'e}za Szabó and Christian Esteve Rothenberg and Gergely Pongr{\'a}cz}, TITLE={Towards an In-network UAV Centralized Collision Avoidance Algorithm in Programmable Data Planes}, BOOKTITLE={GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Demos (GC 2022 Industry Demos)}, ADDRESS={Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, DAYS={4}, MONTH={dec}, YEAR={2022}, KEYWORDS={5G; P4; In-network; UAV; Programmable Data Plane}, ABSTRACT={With 5G networks, new opportunities and challenges appear just around the corner. Applications in different trends (e.g., industry 4.0, agriculture, IoT, UAV) are gaining new envisions. The network's capabilities need to grow together with the high amounts of transmitted data and various network services. Supporting Ultra-low latency (ULL) applications with extremely low loss and delay variation is required. Despite the significant characteristics of the 5G networks, horizontal (e.g., distance, nodes processing) and vertical (e.g., NIC, OS, Hypervisor, Application) delays affect the performance of end-to-end communication. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), especially drones, are becoming an important application powered by the new network characteristics. We propose an in-network UAV collision avoidance algorithm in edge Programmable Data Planes. We explore the benefits of an edge P4-based device (e.g., High Performance, Reconfigurability, Protocol Independent) in a ULL use case (i.e., UAVs). The collision avoidance algorithm implemented in P4 can detect and fast-react to avoid possible impacts effectively.} }
- F. G. Vogt, F. Rodriguez, C. Esteve Rothenberg, and G. Pongrácz, “In-band inter packet gap telemetry (IPGNET): unlocking novel network monitoring methods,” in Globecom 2022 – 2022 ieee global communications conference: demos (gc 2022 industry demos), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2022.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{vogt2212, AUTHOR={Vogt, Francisco Germano and Rodriguez, Fabricio and Christian Esteve Rothenberg and Gergely Pongr{\'a}cz}, TITLE={In-band Inter Packet Gap Telemetry {(IPGNET):} Unlocking novel network monitoring methods}, BOOKTITLE={GLOBECOM 2022 - 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference: Demos (GC 2022 Industry Demos)}, ADDRESS={Rio de Janeiro, Brazil}, DAYS={4}, MONTH={dec}, YEAR={2022}, KEYWORDS={P4; Programmable Networks; Network Monitoring", ABSTRACT="Network monitoring is a fundamental task to provide good network management and performance. Since the SDN emergence, the In-band Network Telemetry (INT) has been demonstrated as an efficient network monitoring framework. Using INT, we can collect network information hop-by-hop directly from the data plane by including this information in the network production traffic. However, this information collection is limited by available packet size and processing overhead, making it critical to choose what data to collect and when to collect it. So, in this work, we propose the Inter-Packet Gap (IPG) per-hop monitoring using INT. We argue that by monitoring the IPG hop-by-hop, it is possible to correlate the data and identify network problems like network congestion, delay, and microbursts and their contributing flows. Our preliminary results show that IPGNET can efficiently detect the microbursts on multiple queues and report all the contributing flows.} }
- F. G. Vogt, F. Rodriguez, C. Rothenberg, and G. Pongrácz, “Innovative network monitoring techniques through in-band inter packet gap telemetry (ipgnet),” in Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on p4 in europe, New York, NY, USA, 2022, p. 53–56.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{3565475.3569077, author = {Vogt, Francisco Germano and Rodriguez, Fabricio and Rothenberg, Christian and Pongr\'{a}cz, Gergely}, title = {Innovative Network Monitoring Techniques through In-Band Inter Packet Gap Telemetry (IPGNET)}, year = {2022}, isbn = {9781450399357}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, address = {New York, NY, USA}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1145/3565475.3569077}, doi = {10.1145/3565475.3569077}, abstract = {Network monitoring is a fundamental task for proper network troubleshooting and performance management. Recently, in-band Network Telemetry (INT) has been demonstrated as a powerful and efficient network monitoring framework. Using INT, network information hop-by-hop can be collected directly from the data plane by gathering this information in the production traffic. However, INT data collection is limited by available packet size and processing overhead, making it critical to choose what data to collect and when to collect it. In this demo, we propose the In-band Inter Packet Gap Network Telemetry (IPGNET) per-hop monitoring. We argue that by monitoring the IPG hop-by-hop, it is possible to correlate the data and identify: (i) Network problems like congestion and delays, finding their root cause, and (ii) Microbursts and their contributing flows. Our preliminary results show that IPGNET can detect microbursts on multiple queues and report all the contributing flows with high efficiency in terms of control/data plane overhead.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on P4 in Europe}, pages = {53–56}, numpages = {4}, keywords = {P4, network management, software defined networking}, location = {Rome, Italy}, series = {EuroP4 '22} }
- F. Rodriguez, F. G. Vogt, A. G. Castro, M. F. Schwarz, and C. Rothenberg, “P4 Programmable Patch Panel (P7): An Instant 100G Emulated Network on Your Tofino-based Pizza Box,” in ACM SIGCOMM’22 Demo and Poster Session, 2022.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{sigcomm22posters-final14, author = {Rodriguez, Fabricio and F. G. Vogt and A. G. Castro and M. F. Schwarz and C. Rothenberg}, title = {{P4 Programmable Patch Panel (P7): An Instant 100G Emulated Network on Your Tofino-based Pizza Box}}, booktitle = {{ACM SIGCOMM'22 Demo and Poster Session}}, isbn = {978-1-4503-9434-5/22/08}, location = {Amsterdam, Netherlands}, numpages = {2}, doi = {10.1145/3546037.3546046}, year = {2022}, }
- I. Oliveira, E. Neto, R. Immich, R. Fontes, A. Nelo, F. Rodriguez, and C. E. Rothenberg, “Dh-aes-p4: on-premise encryption and in-band key-exchange in p4 fully programmable data planes,” in 2021 ieee conference on network function virtualization and software defined networks (nfv-sdn), 2021, pp. 148-153.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{aesp4, author={Oliveira, Isaac and Neto, Emídio and Immich, Roger and Fontes, Ramon and Nelo, Augusto and Rodriguez, Fabrício and Rothenberg, Christian Esteve}, booktitle={2021 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN)}, title={dh-aes-p4: On-premise encryption and in-band key-exchange in P4 fully programmable data planes}, year={2021}, volume={}, number={}, pages={148-153}, doi={10.1109/NFV-SDN53031.2021.9665012}}
- F. R. Cesen, L. Csikor, C. Recalde, C. Esteve Rothenberg, and G. Pongrácz, “Towards low latency industrial robot control in programmable data planes,” in 2020 6th ieee international conference on network softwarization (netsoft) (netsoft 2020), Ghent, Belgium, 2020.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{rodr2006, AUTHOR="Fabricio R. {Cesen} and Levente Csikor and Carlos Recalde and Christian {Esteve Rothenberg} and Gergely {Pongr{\'a}cz}", TITLE="Towards Low Latency Industrial Robot Control in Programmable Data Planes", BOOKTITLE="2020 6th IEEE International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft) (NetSoft 2020)", ADDRESS="Ghent, Belgium", DAYS=28, MONTH=jun, YEAR=2020, KEYWORDS="P4; Low Latency applications; In-network programming; Robotic control" }
- F. R. Cesen, C. E. Rothenberg, and P. Gergely, “In-network p4-based low latency robot arm control,” in In the 15th international conference on emerging networking experiments and technologies posters, 2019.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{cesen2019conext, author = {Cesen, Fabricio Rodriguez and Rothenberg, Christian Esteve and Gergely, Pongracz}, title = {In-network P4-based Low Latency Robot Arm Control}, booktitle = {IN the 15th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies Posters}, series = {CoNEXT}, year = {2019}, numpages = {3}, url = {}, doi = {}, publisher = {ACM}, keywords = {Mobile Core Network; Programmable Switches; P4} }
- P. G. Patra, F. R. Cesen, J. S. Vallejo, D. L. Feferman, L. Csikor, C. E. Rothenberg, and G. Pongrácz, “Towards a Sweet Spot of Dataplane Programmability, Portability and Performance: On the Scalability of Multi-Architecture P4 Pipelines,” IEEE JSAC issue on Scalability Issues and Solutions for Software Defined Networks, 2018.
[Bibtex]@article{gyanesh2018sweet, Author={Pattam Gyanesh Patra and Fabricio Rodriguez Cesen and Juan Sebastian Mejia Vallejo and Daniel Lazkani Feferman and Levente Csikor and Christian Esteve Rothenberg and Gergely Pongr{\'a}cz}, Title={{Towards a Sweet Spot of Dataplane Programmability, Portability and Performance: On the Scalability of {Multi-Architecture} {P4} Pipelines}}, Journal={{IEEE JSAC issue on Scalability Issues and Solutions for Software Defined Networks}}, Address={USA}, Days={1}, Month={sep}, Year={2018} }
- F. R. Cesen and C. E. Rothenberg, “Design, Implementation and Evaluation of IPv4/IPv6 Longest Prefix Match support in Multi-Architecture Programmable Dataplanes,” in Décimo Primeiro Encontro dos Alunos e Docentes do Departamento de Engenharia de Computação e Automação Industrial (XI EADCA),Campinas, Brazil, 2018.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{cesen2018lpmeadca, title={{Design, Implementation and Evaluation of IPv4/IPv6 Longest Prefix Match support in Multi-Architecture Programmable Dataplanes}}, author={Cesen, Fabricio Rodriguez and Rothenberg, Christian Esteve}, booktitle = {{D\'{e}cimo Primeiro Encontro dos Alunos e Docentes do Departamento de Engenharia de Computa\c{c}\~{a}o e Automa\c{c}\~{a}o Industrial (XI EADCA),Campinas, Brazil}}, year={2018}, }
- F. R. Cesen, P. G. Patra, L. Csikor, C. Rothenberg, P. Vörös, S. Laki, and G. Pongrácz, “BB-Gen: A Packet Crafter for P4 Target Evaluation,” in ACM SIGCOMM’18 Demo and Poster Session, 2018.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{cesen2018bbgensigcomm, author = {Cesen, Fabricio Rodriguez and P. G. Patra and L. Csikor and C. Rothenberg and P. V\"or\"os and S. Laki and G. Pongr\'{a}cz}, title = {{BB-Gen: A Packet Crafter for P4 Target Evaluation}}, booktitle = {{ACM SIGCOMM'18 Demo and Poster Session}}, isbn = {978-1-4503-5915-3/18/08}, location = {Budapest, Hungary}, numpages = {2}, doi = {10.1145/3234200.3234229}, year = {2018}, }
- F. R. Cesen, G. P. Patra, C. E. Rothenberg, and G. Pongrácz, “Design, Implementation and Evaluation of IPv4/IPv6 Longest Prefix Match support in P4 Dataplanes,” in Csbc 2018 – 17º wperformane, 2018.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{cesen2018design, AUTHOR={Cesen, Fabricio Rodriguez and Patra, P Gyanesh and Rothenberg, Christian Esteve and Pongr{\'a}cz, Gergely}, TITLE={{Design, Implementation and Evaluation of IPv4/IPv6 Longest Prefix Match support in P4 Dataplanes}}, BOOKTITLE={CSBC 2018 - 17º WPerformane }, DAYS={23-24}, MONTH={jul}, YEAR={2018}, KEYWORDS={Avaliação de desempenho em engenharia de software; Avaliação de desempenho em redes de computadores; Avaliação de desempenho em Internet do futuro} }
- F. R. Cesen, G. P. Patra, and C. E. Rothenberg, “BB-Gen: A Packet Crafter for Data Plane Evaluation,” in SBRC 2018 – Salão de Ferramentas “, 2018.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{cesen2018bb, AUTHOR={Cesen, Fabricio Rodriguez and Patra, P Gyanesh and Rothenberg, Christian Esteve}, TITLE={{BB-Gen: A Packet Crafter for Data Plane Evaluation}}, BOOKTITLE={SBRC 2018 - Salão de Ferramentas }", DAYS={9-10}, MONTH={may}, YEAR={2018}, KEYWORDS={Aplicações em redes; Desempenho, escalabilidade e confiabilidade; Especificação, validação e verificação de protocolos; Redes definidas por software}, URL="http://www.sbrc2018." }