This year, in its XXXVII edition, the SBRC (Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores – Brazilian Symposium on Computer Networks) was held in Gramado/RS, Brazil. This is the major academic event in Brazil about computer networks. INTRIG team was well represented with: Danny Lachos, David Moura, Nathan Saraiva, Ramon Fontes and Raphael Rosa.
Participating in the CTD (Concurso de Teses e Dissertações – Thesis and Dissertation Contest) Ramon and Raphael presented a summary of their PhD thesis, finished in 2018. Ramon’s thesis was entitled “Mininet-WiFi: Plataforma de Emulação para Redes sem Fio Definidas por Software” . And Raphael’s thesis was entitled “End-to-End Network Slices: From Network Function Profiles to Fine-Grained SLAs”. In the CTD proceedings you can read more about their work.
Both Ramon and Raphael were awarded with an honorable mention, standing among the best three thesis in the contest.
As part of the LANCOMM Student Workshop 2019, Danny presented the poster “Discovery System for End-to-End Network Service Deployment”. Nathan presented in WGRS (Workshop de Gerência de Redes – Network Management Workshop) the paper entitled “Policy-Driven Network Traffic Rerouting Through Intent-Based Control Loops“. David Moura was the main chair of the WSlice (Workshop de Teoria, Tecnologias e Aplicações de Slicing para Infraestruturas Softwarizadas). The proceedings of WSlice can be found at this link.