David Fernandes Cruz MouraPost Doctoral ResearcherCV Lattes E-mail: dfcmoura at dca.fee.unicamp.br/david.moura at eb.mil.br
Short Bio
David Fernandes Cruz Moura is a Communications Engineer, graduated by the Military Institute of Engineering (IME), Brazil, in 1997, with a specialization in Analysis, Project and Systems Management at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RIO) in 2000. He also holds a Masters Degree in Electrical Engineering by the Coordination of Graduate Programs in Engineering of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (COPPE / UFRJ) in 2003 and a Ph.D. in Defense Engineering, in the area of Communications Systems, also from IME in 2011, after working as a visiting scholar at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech, USA) in 2010.
From 1997 to 2003, he worked as a communications systems development engineer at the Army Technological Center (CTEx) and was part of the team responsible for the research, design and development of Communications Intelligence (COMINT) Electronic Warfare (EW) systems. Afterwards, he worked as an instructor in Communications Systems and Computer Networks at the Agulhas Negras Military Academy (AMAN) from 2004 to 2007, being responsible for teaching, designing and implementing wireless networks, telephone systems, antennas and radio networks in military operations. After completing his Ph.D., he assumed an appointment as an assistant professor at IME, both for undergrad (Communications Engineering and Computer Engineering) and grad courses (Computing Systems), focused on Command and Control and Wireless Networking topics. In 2012, he returned to CTEx as a researcher in the Nucleus of Innovation and Research in Applied Communications to Defense (NIPCAD), recently created by the Ministry of Defense, where he served as Technical Coordinator of the Radio Defined by Software Project of the Ministry of Defense until December 2017, focusing in software development for embedded systems.
Since the end of 2017, he has been working as a postdoctoral researcher at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), in collaboration with the Center for Research and Development in Telecommunications (CPqD), on the theme “Integration of Software Defined Networks in Software Defined Radio “. In addition, he works as a researcher for the Novel Enablers for Cloud Slicing Project – working together with the European Union, involving 11 (eleven) universities from 4 (four) countries, focused on developing software and mechanisms for improving the cloud computing infrastructure.
Dr. Moura has an active duty in Brazilian Army, where he holds the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Among several distinctions, he holds the Marechal Casimiro Montenegro Filho Prize, offered in 2012 by the Secretariat for Strategic Affairs of the Presidency of the Republic, and the Oscar Niemeyer Prize, offered by the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of Rio de Janeiro – both prizes offered for the best doctoral theses defended in Brazil in 2011
Research Interests
Software Defined & Cognitive Radio standards and initiatives
Radio resource slicing and radio virtualization techniques
Spectrum sharing for SDR and CR networks
Business aspects and new opportunities related to SDR and CR networks
Technology forecast and roadmap techniques applied to wireless networking
Main Publications
- R. V. Rosa, C. E. Rothenberg, and D. Moura, “Redes 4G/5G Comunitárias no Brasil,” , iss. TR01-INTRIG-20220909, 2022.
[Bibtex]@article{, author = {Rosa, Raphael Vicente and Rothenberg, Christian Esteve and Moura, David}, title = {{Redes 4G/5G Comunitárias no Brasil}}, howpublished = {Working Draft}, type = {Technical Report}, number = {TR01-INTRIG-20220909}, year = {2022}, month = {September}, institution = {UNICAMP-FEEC}, url = {https://github.com/intrig-unicamp/TR01-INTRIG-20220909}, }
- T. A. Navarro do Amaral, R. V. Rosa, D. C. F. Moura, and C. Esteve Rothenberg, “Run-time adaptive in-kernel bpf/xdp solution for 5g upf,” Electronics, vol. 11, iss. 7, 2022.
[Bibtex]@Article{electronics11071022, AUTHOR = {Navarro do Amaral, Thiago A. and Rosa, Raphael V. and Moura, David F. Cruz and Esteve Rothenberg, Christian}, TITLE = {Run-Time Adaptive In-Kernel BPF/XDP Solution for 5G UPF}, JOURNAL = {Electronics}, VOLUME = {11}, YEAR = {2022}, NUMBER = {7}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {1022}, URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/2079-9292/11/7/1022}, ISSN = {2079-9292}, ABSTRACT = {Flexibility is considered a key feature of 5G softwarization to deliver a timely response to changes in network requirements that may be caused by traffic variation, user mobility, dynamic network function chains, slice lifecycle management operations, among others. In this article, we evolve the upf-bpf1 open-source project by proposing a new design to improve its flexibility by reducing the run-time adaptation time. The project proposes an in-kernel solution based on BPF and eXpress Data Path (XDP) for 5G User Plane Function (UPF) implementations. The Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation may have a huge impact on the adaptation time due to the in-kernel verification of the BPF programs at run-time. Our results show latency improvements of around 95% to inject the BPF program into the Linux kernel. Furthermore, the solution keeps the same functionalities and delivers a packet processing performance of around 10–11 Mpps using 6 cores with almost 70% of the CPU utilization in downlink/uplink directions.}, DOI = {10.3390/electronics11071022} }
- T. A. N. do Amaral, R. Vicente Rosa, D. Moura, and C. Esteve Rothenberg, “An In-Kernel solution based on XDP for 5G UPF: design, prototype and performance evaluation,” in 2021 1st joint international workshop on network programmability and automation (netpa 2021), Izmir, Turkey, 2021.
[Bibtex]@INPROCEEDINGS{amar2110, AUTHOR="Thiago Arruda Navarro do Amaral and Raphael {Vicente Rosa} and David Moura and Christian {Esteve Rothenberg}", TITLE="An {In-Kernel} Solution Based on {XDP} for {5G} {UPF:} Design, Prototype and Performance Evaluation", BOOKTITLE="2021 1st Joint International Workshop on Network Programmability and Automation (NetPA 2021)", ADDRESS="Izmir, Turkey", DAYS=24, MONTH=oct, YEAR=2021, KEYWORDS="5G; XDP; UPF", }
- R. Ul Mustafa, D. Moura, and C. E. Rothenberg, “Machine Learning Approach to Estimate Video QoE of Encrypted DASH Traffic in 5G Networks,” in In IEEE Singal Processing (SSP2021) Workshop, 2021.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{ul2021dash, title={{Machine Learning Approach to Estimate Video QoE of Encrypted DASH Traffic in 5G Networks}}, author={Ul Mustafa, Raza and Moura, David and Rothenberg, Christian E}, booktitle={{In IEEE Singal Processing (SSP2021) Workshop}}, year={2021} }
- P. D. Maciel, F. L. Verdi, P. Valsamas, I. Sakellariou, L. Mamatas, S. Petridou, P. Papadimitriou, D. Moura, A. I. Swapna, B. Pinheiro, and S. Clayman, “A marketplace-based approach to cloud network slice composition across multiple domains,” in 2019 ieee conference on network softwarization (netsoft), 2019, pp. 480-488.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{maciel2019marketplace, author={P. D. {Maciel} and F. L. {Verdi} and P. {Valsamas} and I. {Sakellariou} and L. {Mamatas} and S. {Petridou} and P. {Papadimitriou} and D. {Moura} and A. I. {Swapna} and B. {Pinheiro} and S. {Clayman}}, booktitle={2019 IEEE Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft)}, title={A Marketplace-based Approach to Cloud Network Slice Composition Across Multiple Domains}, year={2019}, volume={}, number={}, pages={480-488}, keywords={cloud computing;marketing data processing;slice-as-a-service model;dynamic slice resource discovery;marketplace-based approach;end-to-end slices;dynamic creation;NECOS platform;NECOS project;network resources;on-demand networking abstractions;cloud network slicing;slice owner;Cloud computing;5G mobile communication;Network slicing;Dynamic scheduling;Monitoring;Computer architecture;Industries;Cloud Network Slicing;Slice-as-a-Service;Slice Resource Discovery;Marketplace}, doi={10.1109/NETSOFT.2019.8806668}, ISSN={}, month={June} }
- F. S. D. Silva, M. Lemos, A. Medeiros, A. V. Neto, R. Pasquini, D. Moura, C. E. Rothenberg, L. Mamatas, S. L. Correa, K. V. Cardoso, C. Marcondes, A. Abelem, M. Nascimento, A. Galis, L. Contreras, J. Serrat, and P. Papadimitriou, “NECOS Project: Towards Lightweight Slicing of Cloud-Federated Infrastructures,” in Workshop on advances in slicing for softwarized infrastructures (S4SI 2018) – IEEE conference on network softwarization (NETSOFT), 2018.
[Bibtex]@inproceedings{dantas2018necos, title={{NECOS Project: Towards Lightweight Slicing of Cloud-Federated Infrastructures}}, author={Silva, Felipe Sampaio Dantas and Lemos, Marcilio and Medeiros, Alisson and Neto, Augusto Venancio and Pasquini, Rafael and Moura, David and Rothenberg, Christian Esteve and Mamatas, Lefteris and Correa, Sand Luz and Cardoso, Kleber Vieira and Marcondes, Cesar and Abelem, Antonio and Nascimento, Marcelo and Galis, Alex and Contreras, Luis and Serrat, Joan and Papadimitriou, Panagiotis}, booktitle = {Workshop on Advances in Slicing for Softwarized Infrastructures {(S4SI 2018) - IEEE} Conference on Network Softwarization {(NETSOFT)}}, year = {2018} }
- DE SOUZA, L. B., MOURA, D. F. C., BORSCHIVER, S., ” Formas de Onda e o Programa RDS-Defesa: Proposta e Resultados do Roadmap Tecnológico do LTE para Aplicações Militares”, accepted for publication in XXXVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações e Processamento de Sinais (SBrT), Campina Grande, 2018.
- FIGUEIRA, N., BRAMIGK, V., MOURA, D.F.C., “Software Defined Radio applied to Mission Oriented Sensors Array – A proposal to advanced Embedded Systems architecture”, In: Wireless Innovation Forum Europe, 2017, Oulu, Finland.
- PRADO FILHO, H.V., GALDINO, J.F., MOURA, D.F.C., “Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Produtos de Defesa: Reflexões e Fatos sobre o Projeto Rádio Definido por Software do Ministério da Defesa à luz do Modelo de Inovação em Tríplice Hélice”, In Revista Militar de Ciência e Tecnologia, 2017.
- CAMILO, M.J., KOHL, A., MOURA, D.F.C., MOREIRA, L.H., Analysis of the Aggregated Value of the Information that is delivered to the Decision-maker in Command and Control Systems, In: 21st International Command and Control Research and Technology Symposium, 2016. London.
- BRANCO, M. G. C. ; ROELLI, F. A. ; SILVA, F. H. ; PEREIRA, F. R. ; LIMA, G. C. ; MIQUELINO, M. A. ; MORENO, R. P. H. ; RIBEIRO, S. L. ; MOURA, D. F. C. ; GALDINO, J. F. . Rádio Definido por Software do Ministério da Defesa – Visão geral das primeiras contribuições do CPqD. Cadernos CPQD Tecnologia, v. 10, p. 9-16, 2014.
- SILVA, F. A. B. ; MOURA, D. F. C. ; GALDINO, J. F. . Classes of Attacks for Tactical Software Defined Radios. International Journal of Embedded and Real-Time Communication Systems, v. 3, p. 57-82, 2012.
- MOURA, D. F. C.; DA SILVA, F. A. B.; GALDINO, J. F.. Case Studies of Attacks over Adaptive Modulation Based Tactical Software Defined Radios. Journal of Computer Networks and Communications, v. 2012, p. 1-9, 2012.
- MOURA, D. F. C.; SALLES, R. M. ; GALDINO, J. F. . Generalized Input Deterministic Service queue model: analysis and performance issues for wireless tactical networks. IEEE Communications Letters, v. 13, p. 967-969, 2009.