Ramon dos Reis Fontes and Christian Esteve Rothenberg. “Emulando Redes sem Fio com Mininet-WiFi”. 1st Edition. Apr., 2019. ISBN: 978-6590057105
[Available: printed | e-Book] [github] [100 page preview]
We are glad to announce that the Mininet-WiFi book has been published!
While the 1st edition (237 pages) is in Portuguese, affordably available in Printed and E-Book versions, we are about to start to work on the 2nd edition in English, Hard to say when it will be out but we target 2019!
As we acknowledged in the book, this milestone would not have happened without all types of contributions and interest by users and developers of Mininet-WiFi.
Here are the pointers to the book:
Printed version: https://www.clubedeautores.com
e-Book version: https://www.amazon.com.br/dp/B07QM2BBRF/
Github repository with all use cases presented in the book:
Preview of the first two Chapters (totaling 100 pages out of 237):
Last but not least, as usual, if you happen to use Mininet-WiFi in your research or teaching activities, please add your work to the corresponding tab in the Mininet-WiFi Use Case Catalogue: