New Publication @ Eletronics – 2022: Run-Time Adaptive In-Kernel BPF/XDP Solution for 5G UPF

T. A. Navarro do Amaral, R. V. Rosa, D. C. F. Moura, and C. Esteve Rothenberg, “Run-time Adaptive in-kernel BPF/XDP Solution For 5g UPF,” Electronics, vol. 11, iss. 7, 2022.


Flexibility is considered a key feature of 5G softwarization to deliver a timely response to changes in network requirements that may be caused by traffic variation, user mobility, dynamic network function chains, slice lifecycle management operations, among others. In this article, we evolve the upf-bpf1 open-source project by proposing a new design to improve its flexibility by reducing the run-time adaptation time. The project proposes an in-kernel solution based on BPF and eXpress Data Path (XDP) for 5G User Plane Function (UPF) implementations. The Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation may have a huge impact on the adaptation time due to the in-kernel verification of the BPF programs at run-time. Our results show latency improvements of around 95% to inject the BPF program into the Linux kernel. Furthermore, the solution keeps the same functionalities and delivers a packet processing performance of around 10–11 Mpps using 6 cores with almost 70% of the CPU utilization in downlink/uplink directions.
Published in:  Electronics, vol. 11, iss. 7, 2022.
Date of Publication: 24 March 2022.


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