INTRIG participated in the annual event Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC), carried out by Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC) and by Laboratório de Redes de Computadores (LARC). This year, 2023, the 41st edition of the event took place at Brazil’s capital, Brasília, from May 22nd to 26th. The group‘s presence came about through two posters (presented at the local exhibition environment), a workshop at the Technical Session, and by organizing and operating the Hackathon Smartness / 5G Dataset Challenge.
– Tools Hall:
One poster, titled PathsViewer: Uma Interface para Exploração de Dados Espaço-Temporais, was presented by MSc. student Arthur J Simas, MSc and undergrad student (scientific initiation) Leonardo Henrique Guimarães.
Ph.D. student Francisco Vogt presented the other poster, titled Network Emulation with P7: A P4 Programmable Patch Panel on Tofino-based Hardware.
– Network and Services Management and Operation Workshop
MSc. canditate Daniel Lima presented RESISTING: Um Novo Mecanismo de Fast-Reroute com Distribuição de Pacotes em Switches Programáveis P4 at the WGRS – XXVIII Workshop de Gerência e Operação de Redes e Serviços technical session.
Hackathon Smartness / 5G Dataset Challenge
Organized by prof. Christian E Rothenberg, MSc. student Arthur Simas and MSc. student Marcos Almeida, the hackathon Smartness / 5G Dataset Challenge’s main objective was the development by the participant teams of innovative solutions and detailed insights based on the databases (provided by the hackathon organizing committee) composed of data on the use of adaptive video streaming services (YouTube) and 5G networks and in Brazil, among other bases that the team deems relevant.