Raphael Vicente Rosa participated in the 5th Internet Governance School (EGI) organized by NIC.br and CGI.br.
The intensive course contained a full program with many Brazilian experts talking about the diverse spectrum of subjects involving the Governance of Internet in Brazil and in the world.
Network neutrality and fake news, major concerns in the Brazilian presidential elections this year, took precedence among the topics presented during the course.
The outstanding organization of the course, proposed to people from different sectors, aims to build knowledge, promote and create incentives to training, research and studies about the Governance of the Internet in Brazil.
The intensive EGI course scopes social, technical, political and social themes towards deepen the knowledge about the subjects and challenges related to the Internet Governance in Brazil and worldwide.
With EGI and many other approaches, NIC.br and CGI.br set an outstanding mark for the Internet Governance in Brazil, an worldwide reference.