The ACM Symposium on SDN Research (ACM SOSR 2018) event was held recently in Los Angeles, CA on March 28-29, 2018. Being a premiere venue for research publication on SDN, it attracted researchers from all around the world presenting their work in the cutting-edge research area. This event was co-located with the Open Networking Summit (ONS), providing even greater opportunity for university scholars to have the first-hand experience on industry problems and trends through the discussions at the Demo various stations from the industry. I, Gyanesh Patra, was privileged to receive a Travel Grant from ACM SOSR18 event organizers to participate at the event. It was a great experience to interact with the dignitaries of the networking and telecom industries personally. I feel inspired and motivated to advance more rapidly in my research area and to be able to present my work in front of this audience in future.
I found a number of publications at ACM SOSR18 related to the advancement of dataplane development. These research work provoke new approach towards dataplane, bring toolset set for newer DSL and programmable languages etc. I am listing the 5 articles that interested me the most.
Taking Control of SDN-based Cloud Systems via the Data Plane
[Kashyap Thimmaraju and Bhargava Shastry (TU Berlin), Tobias Fiebig (TU Delft), Felicitas Hetzelt and Jean-Pierre Seifert (TU Berlin), Anja Feldmann (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik), Stefan Schmid (University of Vienna)]
***This paper won the best paper award.*** -
Uncovering Bugs in P4 Programs with Assertion-based Verification
[Lucas Freire, Miguel Neves, Lucas Leal, and Alberto Schaeffer-Filho (UFRGS), Kirill Levchenko (UC San Diego), Marinho Barcellos (UFRGS)]
* A paper from a project funded by the 1st CTIC/RNP call in Cybersecurity with NSF * -
p4pktgen: Automated Test-Case Generation for P4 Programs
[Andres Noetzli (Stanford University), Jehandad Khan (Virginia Tech), Andy Fingerhut (Cisco), Clark Barrett (Stanford University), Peter Athanas (Virginia Tech)]
Probius: Automated Approach for VNF and Service Chain Analysis in Software-Defined NFV
[Jaehyun Nam, Junsik Seo, and Seungwon Shin (KAIST)]
A Comparison of Performance and Accuracy of Measurement Algorithms in Software
[Omid Alipourfard (Yale University), Masoud Moshref (Barefoot Networks), Yang Zhou and Tong Yang (Peking University), Minlan Yu (Harvard University)]