UNICAMP – FEEC Alumni & Freshman meeting

The Faculty of Electric and Computing Engineering (FEEC) at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) promoted on last February 25th, 2023, a reception for the freshman undergraduates and a meeting for faculty alumni.

The INTRIG group was actively involved in the event by providing a set of presentations and demonstrations for interested attendees. Ph.D. student Celso Cesilla presented a demonstration of a chatbot in the context of IBN networks, followed by MSc. student Arthur Simas who presented an overview of YouTube’s packet capture and benchmarking in Brazillian 5G networks. Then, Ph.D. student MD Tariql gave an insight into the work Predicting XR Services QoE with ML: Insights from In-band Encrypted QoS Features in 360-VR.

The event was an excellent opportunity to interact with the local community and provide high-level information concerning some of the research topics carried out by faculty members.


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